Advancements in Research Virtual Discussion: MicroElectrode Arrays for Diabetes Research and Beyond

The MEA2100-Beta-Screen-System: Non-invasive electrophysiological recordings from intact islets of Langerhans using Microelectrode Arrays (MEAs)
Explore new possibilities in drug discovery and diabetes research! Allowing for acute and chronic recordings of glucose induced electrical activity in pancreatic beta cells, the MEA2100-Beta-Screen-System is easier and faster than patch-clamp and recording with intracellular electrodes. Join MCS Senior Application Specialist, Sven Schönecker, to learn more about the new system. Sven will provide a product overview, relevant applications, and discuss how the technology can improve throughput, address quality control, and help facilitate future studies. During this session participants will have the opportunity to discuss any pertinent topics.
Beta Screen System Features: • Electrophysiology for recordings of up to 40 islets simultaneously • Non-invasive, simple handling, and higher throughput screening device • Beta cell specific analysis software for dose response experiments and spike/burst (oscillation) analysis • Islets secured using suction • Murine, human, and stem cell drug screening
Join us Wednesday, July 1st at 10:00 am ET
In case you could not make it you can find the recording of the diabetes webinar here:
(You will need to register to watch the webinar recording.)