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Tool for offline analysis of data recorded with Multi Channel Experimenter. Part of the Multi Channel Suite.
Compatible with Windows® 7 /8.x / 10 (64 Bit).
make the default Analyzer diagram window wider
Several minor bug fixes
Bug fix in Burst Analyzer if inconsistent interval parameters are set
Set default directory for ascii export of offline Analyzer to recorder file path.
Bug fixes.
Important bugfix for the MEA2100-256 device: In version 2.20.5 of the software the channels are shifted by 2. This version should therefore no longer be used for the device. Earlier versions of the software are not affected by the problem.
Now larger values are possible for the pre trigger and the post trigger of the PSTH instrument.
added 0.05 Hz to the allowed high-pass filter frequencies.
fix crash when loading some Experiment Setups with Filter and/or SpikeDetector.
Sweep Explorer: Fix crash when deselecting channels if file does not contain averages
Spike Explorer: Fix spike raster plot showing a too-short x-axis
Fixes for deleting/changing connections, mainly concerning an X-Channel instrument
fix Sweep Analyzer error when connecting event stream
fix displayed sweep being off by one in Sweeps instrument if navigation is via events in the RawDataExplorer and Auto Explore is turned on
Notable bug fixes
Known Bugs
New Instruments
Please note: Works only with 64 bit Windows
Raw Data Explorer: Bugfix for consecutive loading of W2100 files with different number of headstages
Filter: Fixed bug for downsampled data
Spike Detector:
Fixed missing spike detection levels
Fixed wrong units for labels of thresholds