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CMOS-MEA-Control is the acquisition software for the CMOS-MEA-5000 system that is complemented by the analysis module CMOS-MEA-Tools. Stimulation, recording and electrode selection are controlled from within one software module. The software package is specifically designed to handle the huge data volumes generated by the high resolution CMOS recording system. The raw data is visualized in an intuitive way to guide the user to the most interesting aspects of the experiment.
Features include:
Please click on the description tab above to learn more about the powerful features of the CMOS-MEA Software package.
Software for online, real-time activity overview of the complete chip. Explore, select, stimulate, and record all relevant electrophysiological data for your experiment.
Compatible with Windows® 10 and above.
Software for offline analysis of data recorded with CMOS-MEA-Control. Navigate and filter the data, detect and sort spikes, and extract STA.