Stem Cell Electrophysiology
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We offer a wide range of systems and components for extracellular recordings in vitro on various types of preparations.
- Cor.4U® in microelectrode array (MEA) assays: Protocol_Cor.4U_MEA.pdf
- User Guide – Pluricyte® Cardiomyocytes on the Multiwell MEA System
- Application - Assessment of pro-arrhythmic effects using Pluricyte® Cardiomyocytes on the Multiwell-MEA-System from Multi Channel Systems
- iCell Cardiomyocytes Application Protocol Multiwell-MEA: CDIApplicationProtocol.pdf
- Axiogenesis Peri.4U Neurons on 24-well Multiwell plates (kindly provided by Dr. Udo Kraushaar, NMI)