Cardiac Electrophysiology
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We offer a wide range of systems and components for extracellular recordings in vitro on various types of preparations. Find here a few of the most important examples of cardiac application studies with the MEA-System.
Lonza white paper: Cryopreserved Neonatal Rat Ventricular Cardiomyocytes in Long-term Culture Display Normal Morphology and Functional Activity
Application notes for using Cardiomyocytes with the Multi Channel MEA-Systems:
- Cor.4U® in microelectrode array (MEA) assays: Protocol_Cor.4U_MEA.pdf
- Pluricyte® Cardiomyocytes in combination with the Multiwell-MEA-System: User Guide _Pluricyte Cardiomyocyte_MCS96.pdf
- Cellular Dynamics iCell cardiomyocytes2 on 96-well multiwell plates (kindly provided by Dr. Udo Kraushaar, NMI)
Application of Cellartis Cardiomyocytes in Multi Channel Systems 96-well Multiwell-MEA-System for EFP Recordings.pdf
- Multi-Well Electrode Array Restoration to Reconstruct Cardiomyocyte Networks for Repetitive Electrophysiological Studies:
Smart-Ephys MCS_Customer App Note_Multiwell MEA repeated use.pdf
- MEA Based Cardiac-Electronic Interface: A Novel Resource for AP Measurements
Smart-Ephys MCS_Customer App Note_MEA AP Measurements.pdf
- Application Card Epicardial Mapping